9th IPM International Conference on
Fundamentals of Software Engineering
(FSEN 2021)
19 - 21 May, 2021
Tehran, Iran


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Poster Competition




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FSEN'05  |  FSEN'07  |  FSEN'09  |  FSEN'11  |  FSEN'13  |  FSEN'15  |  FSEN'17  |  FSEN'19  |  FSEN Homepage

FSEN is virtual this year and the speakers will present the talks live. The link for participation will be sent to the registered users before the event.
Day 1: May 19, 2021
13:45 - 14 11:15 - 11:30 Welcome: Hossein Hojjat, Mieke Massink
14 - 15 11:30 - 12:30 (Keynote Chair: Mieke Massink)
Invited talk: Safety and robustness for deep learning with provable guarantees
Marta Kwiatkowska , University of Oxford
Session 1: Coordination I (Session Chair: Martin Wirsing)
15 - 15:30 12:30 - 13 Kasper Dokter and Farhad Arbab
Scheduling Protocols
15:30 - 16:30 13 - 14 Social Event 1: Iran: Virtual tour
Session 2: Coordination II (Session Chair: Jose Proenca)
16:30 - 17 14 - 14:30 Rocco De Nicola, Omar Inverso and Aline Uwimbabazi
Automated Replication of Tuple Spaces via Static Analysis
17 - 17:30 14:30 - 15 Piergiuseppe Mallozzi, Pierluigi Nuzzo and Patrizio Pellicione
Incremental Refinement of Goal Models with Contracts
Session 3: Logic I (Session Chair: Fatemeh Ghassemi)
17:30 - 18 15 - 15:30 Mario Benevides, Alexandre Madeira and Manuel A. Martins
Proof Calculi for Epistemic Logics with Structured Knowledge
18 - 18:30 15:30 - 16 Daniel Figueiredo and Manuel A. Martins
Introducing Intervalar Differential Dynamic Logic
Day 2: May 20, 2021
13 - 14 10:30 - 11:30 (Keynote Chair: Marjan Sirjani)
Invited talk: Let it Flow: Live Computations for Interactive Distributed Applications
Mira Mezini , Technische Universität Darmstadt
Session 4: Logic II (Session Chair: Fathiyeh Faghih)
14 - 14:30 11:30 - 12 Harold Pancho Eliott and Martin Berger
A Program Logic for Fresh Name Generation
14:30 - 15 12 - 12:30 Vladimir Zyubin, Igor Anureev, Natalia Garanina, Sergey Staroletov, Andrei Rozov and Tatiana Liakh
Event-driven Temporal Logic Pattern for Control Software Requirements Specification
15 - 15:30 12:30 - 13 Kevin Lano and Shekoufeh Kolahdouz Rahimi
Extending OCL with Map and Function Types
15:30 - 16:30 13 - 14 Social Event 2: Iran: Virtual tour
Session 5: Networks (Session Chair: Mohammad Mousavi)
16:30 - 17 14 - 14:30 Anna Stramaglia, Jeroen J.A. Keiren and Hans Zantema
Deadlock in Packet Switching Networks
17 - 17:30 14:30 - 15 Shaun Azzopardi, Joshua Ellul and Gordon J. Pace
Runtime Monitoring Processes Across Blockchains
17:30 - 18 15 - 15:30 Amin Soltanieh and Markus Siegle
Solving Systems of Bilinear Equations for Transition Rate Reconstruction
Day 3: May 21, 2021
13 - 14 10:30 - 11:30 (Keynote Chair: Hossein Hojjat)
Invited talk: Title to be announced (Cancelled)
Pavol Cerny , TU Wien
Session 6: Parallel Computation (Session Chair: Hossein Hojjat)
14 - 14:30 11:30 - 12 Johri van Eerd, Jan Friso Groote, Pieter Hijma, Jan Martens and Anton Wijs
Term Rewriting on GPUs
14:30 - 15 12 - 12:30 Amaury Maille, Ludovic Henrio and Matthieu Moy
Promise Plus: Flexible Synchronisation for Parallel Computations on Arrays
15 - 16 12:30 - 13:30 Social Event 3: Iran: Virtual tour
Session 7: Testing (Session Chair: Ebru Aydin Gol)
16 - 16:30 13:30 - 14 Arvin Zakeriyan, Ramtin Khosravi, Hadi Safari and Ehsan Khamespanah
Towards Test Case Generation for Industrial Software Systems Based on Functional Specifications
16:30 - 17 14 - 14:30 Aidin Azamnouri and Samad Paydar
Compressing Automatically Generated Unit Test Suites through Test Parameterization
17 - 17:30 14:30 - 15 Mohammad Ghoreshi and Hassan Haghighi
Systematic Extraction of Test Cases from Object-oriented Programs
17:30 - 17:45 15 - 15:15 (Poster) Nhat Nam Pham, Duy Hieu Vo, Tong Ngoc Dang, Minh Gia Huy Cao, Sneha Sahu and Ruth Schorr
Verifying UML-RT model of a Conveyor Belt System with nuXmv model checker
17:45 - 18 15:15 - 15:30 Closing
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